Social Action paid a courtesy visit to Christian Aid Nigeria’s Office in Abuja on Wednesday 2nd June 2022.

The objective of the visit was to introduce Social Action and its goal of improving women and girls’ safety, security, human rights, promoting gender equity, mitigating climate change impacts in the North East, and promoting socio-economic justice in communities. The visit was also to seek possible collaboration with the Christian Aid in empowering vulnerable and marginalized groups in hard-to-reach conflict areas communities of Nigeria to demand good governance.

Speaking to welcome Social Action’s team, Mr Victor Arokoyo, the Acting Head of Programmes, Christian Aid Nigeria, said Christian Aid is happy to welcome partners who believe in a just society. According to him, Christian Aid Nigeria believes in strong collaboration with local partners to eradicate poverty, respond to humanitarian issues, promote good governance and improve the livelihood of people in Nigeria.

2 Mr. Obele Oluchukwu, Programmes Coordinator (Health) of Christian Aid Nigeria and Mr. Isaac Botti, Programmes Coordinator of Social Action exchanging a research publication during the courtesy visit

Mr Obele Oluchukwu and Ms Talatu Aliyu also thanked Social Action for the visit and their humanitarian intervention programs, particularly in the North-Eastern region of Nigeria. Recalling similar partnerships with other organizations, they believe that a cordial relationship can be built and maintained between both organizations, as Social Action would be informed whenever there is a call for local partners to work on similar core values.

Representing Social Action was Faith Osuoka, Comfort Agbebaku, and the programmes coordinator of the organization, Isaac Botti.